“RESTORE” Adds New Features!

"RESTORE" Class Adds New Features To Each Session! If you haven't tried MissionFiT's RESTORE Classes, now is the time as new features will bring more stretching, mobility and flexibility to your routine. What Is "RESTORE"? "Restore" classes were first introduced in December 2020.  Now the class is a permanent addition to the MissionFiT class line-up.  Class is offered twice a [...]

MissionFiT Wants You!

MissionFiT Wants You....To Take Back Your Health The MissionFiT team is accepting new members for their 101 Experience, ReStart Your Heart and 301 Experience, MissionFiT Community.  MissionFiT wants you to experience a healthier lifestyle. Why MissionFiT wants you! "Lifestyle is what, when and how much we eat, sleep and move on a daily basis".  Dan Miller in his message "Happy, [...]

Heart Rate Health

How Healthy Is Your Heart Rate? How Exercise Affects Your Heart The heart is a muscle which becomes more efficient with exercise.  When you exercise, your muscles help to circulate blood through the body taking some of the strain and effort off the heart. So, not as much work is needed to pump blood and the heart becomes stronger over [...]

Women’s Health Night #4, Hormones with Laura Puckett

Women's Health Night #4, Hormones with Laura Puckett     We had another great Thursday night of teaching in our Women's Health series. This week's topic was Hormones with Laura Puckett!   Here's just the tip of the iceberg of what we learned: Hormones: A substance, usually a peptide or steroid, produced by one tissue and conveyed by the bloodstream [...]

Why We Mobilize

mo·bil·i·ty  noun   the ability to move or be moved freely and easily. Why We Mobilize What if you had the power to Relieve Pain, Prevent Injury, Improve Performance? If you knew that you could prevent a disease from crippling you 20 years from now, wouldn’t you do everything in your power to avoid the triggers that result in that [...]

Homeschool Health & P.E. Fall Registration Now Open!

Homeschool Health & P.E. Fall Registration Now Open! Parents spend a significant amount of time, energy, and money to ensure that their children are well prepared for college.  But too often, young adults find that they aren’t equipped for the stresses and challenges that “real life” inevitably presents.  According to the National Institutes of Health, 1 in 3 teenagers will [...]

Best Vitamins and Minerals for Boosting the Immune System

Best Vitamins and Minerals for Boosting the Immune System This week in classes we're learning about the immune system. The immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues, organs, and the substances they make helps the body fight viruses,  infections and other diseases. This is a great time to kick up our nutrition a notch. Covid-19 is no joke [...]

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting - A Primer At it's basic level, fasting is all about going without something.  For some people, that means putting the "smart" devices away during  meal.  For others, time to turn off the television for a period of hour during the day or even, days during the week.  But what most people think of when they "fast" is [...]

2nd Annual Iron Sharpens Iron Competition

2nd Annual Iron Sharpens Iron is coming THIS March!!     “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” There is mutual benefit in the rubbing of two iron blades together; the edges become sharper, making the knives more efficient in their task. While we hit workouts at our different locations throughout the year, March is the time to [...]

13 Remarkable Health Benefits of Getting Outdoors

13 Remarkable Health Benefits of Getting Outdoors When you go on vacation with kids or other family or friends, someone in the car, on the plane or on the train will say "Are we there yet?"  There's some frustration built into the question, especially if it's from a younger member of your family.  However, it's good for the mind, body [...]

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