Week #4 ISI 2021

You Made It!  This Is Week #4 of the ISI 2021 Competition The Final Week!  Congratulations for making it to Week #4 of the ISI 2021 Fitness Event.    It's been quite a trip hasn't it?  You've been tested with full-body workouts, endurance and some strength.  In a short time, you've probably had to learn a few things on the [...]

Week #3 ISI 2021

You Made The Halfway Mark.  This Is Week #3 ISI 2021   Week #3 of ISI 2021 begins today.  You're halfway through the challenge.  How do you feel?   What have you learned so far that you can take to this workout?  This annual event pits MissionFiT athletes from all over the city against one other in a friendly fitness competition.  [...]

Support A “Limp” Lymph

When The Lymph System Gets Limp...And How You Can Support It Coach K recently attended a (virtual) seminar entitled The Lymphatic Rescue Summit put on by HealthMeans.com.  This blog is a compilation of what she learned about supporting a "limp" lymph. What Is The Lymphatic System? The lymph-system encompasses much more than just your tonsils.  Vital organs and other sub-systems [...]

Week #2 ISI 2021

One Down, Three To Go.  Week #2 of ISI 2021 Is Here! Week #2 of ISI 2021 begins today.  How did you fair with Week #1?   Did you learn something you can take to this workout?  We hope so.  This annual event pits athletes from all over the city against each other in a friendly fitness competition.  For more information [...]

Week 1 ISI 2021

Get Ready!  The Workout For ISI 2021 Week 1 Is Here! Boy time flies!  May is already upon us and that means Week #1 of the ISI 2021 (Iron Sharpens Iron) Competition.  This annual event pits local church pastors and lay leaders against each other in a friendly fitness competition.  For more information on the event itself, visit 3rd Annual [...]

Rewire Your Brain

Do You Feel Stuck In A Rut?  Learn To Rewire Your Brain! All month long, MissionFiT's focus has been on Neuroplasticity.  In short, the ability of your brain to rewire itself.  In much the same way traumatic brain injury patients learn to walk again, MissionFiT athletes have completed different tasks in unusual ways to demonstrate how the brain can learn [...]

Is There Meaning In Grief?

Discovering Meaning In Grief & Loss Benjamin Franklin is generally credited with the quote "...but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”  Yet, there are other things that seem to be certain in the world, too.  One of those is the grief that accompanies death.  Sometimes, the death of a loved one is [...]

The Body & Chronic Stress

How Does Your Body Handle Chronic Stress? Your body is designed to handle stress, but does it handle chronic stress?  Statistically, Americans have high rates of stress and anxiety.  Moreover, Americans don’t care for themselves in the area of chronic stress. General Adaptive Potential: The nervous system mediates and modulates body responses. Stress is processed through the nervous system. If [...]

Maintain Momentum

Maintain Momentum Health Habits for Sustained Ministry Impact These unique times present unique opportunities for Christians to serve and shine the light of Christ in difficult circumstances.  Remember that wherever the Spirit directs us to serve, our physical bodies will be a vehicle for that service or, at least, come along for the ride!  To serve well, we will need [...]

2nd Annual Iron Sharpens Iron Competition

2nd Annual Iron Sharpens Iron is coming THIS March!!     “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” There is mutual benefit in the rubbing of two iron blades together; the edges become sharper, making the knives more efficient in their task. While we hit workouts at our different locations throughout the year, March is the time to [...]

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