Move In March

MissionFiT athletes will be offered opportunities to tune up different aspects of their fitness.  This month, join athletes as they Move In March This month's challenge for athletes is to MOVE.  And for most people, the easiest way to move is walking, hence the name of this month's challenge "Move In March".  Let's take a look at some benefits of [...]

Manage Your Stress

Did you realize you're a manager?  If you have children, especially of different ages, you have to manage meals, schedules, and other activities.  As a business owner, you have to manage people, payroll, ordering, production and other systems within your business.  In each scenario, the idea is to keep the household or the business functioning properly and efficiently.  To keep [...]

Back To Basics!

Part of the traditions of a new year are "resolutions".  Among the top resolutions on any list are "Exercise More" & "Lose Weight".  For most people that means going Back To Basics It's that time of year when MissionFiT athletes get to "reset" their nutrition habits and/or develop new and better habits. This annual "back to basics" challenge is designed [...]

Write It Down!

We've all done it.  Something important you need to or want to remember comes to mind.  Then you get distracted and forget to Write It Down! When you fail to write down appointments, sometimes you miss them.  Similarly, a food journal is an appointment with your meals.  At first glance, you think "I don't have time to count calories, let [...]

A Little Kindness

So, How Important Is A Little Kindness? In a study of 37 cultures around the world, 16,000 subjects were asked about their most desired traits in a mate. For both sexes, the first choice was kindness. Acclaimed psychologists John and Julie Gottman gathered data on successful marriages for decades and found that kindness was essential to a lasting union. But, [...]


If you are easily pulled away by bells, whistles, questions, kids or other minor interruptions throughout your day, then you know how all-consuming distractions can be when you lose focus & chase down the SQUIRREL!! Remember this scene from the Pixar feature "Up!"?  Chasing the squirrel is a distraction.  An article from Scientific American notes "Our brains have developed a [...]


When you think about gentleness, what's the first image that pops into your mind?  Probably not Rojo & his friends! Gentleness In the dictionary, “gentleness” is defined as ‘the quality of being kind, tender, or mild-mannered.’ Many older Bible translations use the word meekness in Galatians 5:23, whereas modern versions translate it gentleness. Matthew Poole’s Commentary explains this quality as [...]

Building With Protein

When you were a kid, chances are you played with blocks, Lincoln Logs, Lego or even an Erector set.  You start with a base and add a block or there, using the blocks to build up or out creating a strong house.   As well, your body gets stronger by Building With Protein In the same way you build a house [...]


Fruit of the Spirit - Peace The word ‘peace’ appears nearly 429 times in the Bible, which helps us understand it is so important to the faith community. A Strong Desire One of the strongest human desires is for peace.   Whether it be peace between nations, between neighbors, or even within our own minds (Romans 8:6).   If you're a member [...]

Too Much Sugar!

Before you take your "Sugar In The Morning", make sure you know what you're getting into when you have Too Much Sugar! That's right!  Too much sugar might be sweet...but the sweet quickly turns sour.  Watch what happens when one man gets too much sugar in his coffee!  Convinced?   Aside from the taste, too much sugar can do a lot [...]

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