Five Fold Fitness is the Key to Health

Five Fold Fitness is the Key to True Health. We are so intricately connected that neglecting to steward one area of health can create a domino effect on total temple health. For example, an event or disease affecting the body must also affect the mind, the soul and the spirit. An event or disease that affects the mind must also [...]

Iron Sharpens Iron (Pastor Edition) is coming this April!

Iron Sharpens Iron (Pastor Edition) is coming THIS April!!     “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” There is mutual benefit in the rubbing of two iron blades together; the edges become sharper, making the knives more efficient in their task. While we hit workouts at our churches throughout the year, April is the time to be [...]

3-2-1-Go to Sleep! Here’s Why… (Part 1)

3-2-1-Go to sleep - Here's Why... In light of National Sleep Awareness Week we are starting a series on Sleep, so stay tuned each week as we unravel more and more of the nitty gritty on why we need it, risks we are taking when we're not getting enough of it, and what YOU can do about it.   FACT: [...]

Focus on the Family FiTness

Focus on the Family FiTness with a new face on MissionFiT's leadership team. Welcome our new Youth Director, Nick Hess!     Lifestyle changes such as fitness and nutrition are not the only key factors that increase the likelihood of an individual’s longevity. Our leaders need to be equipped and supported at work AND home. While we have initiatives to [...]

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