“March” Toward Patience

The fourth fruit of the Spirit is patience. The word ‘patience’ is mentioned in Scripture nearly 70 times. But, really, who has time for patience? All of us have been told at some point in our lives to "just be patient". In our age of instant gratification, nobody enjoys patiently waiting.  Let's begin to "March" Toward Patience For most people, [...]

Eat Your Vegetables!

If you were more a "junk food junkie" than a vegan off the farm, chances are you heard your mother repeat those same words.  Now, Coach K is challenging MissionFiT athletes to: Eat Your Vegetables! That's right.  It's time take your nutrition challenge to the next level and eat more vegetables.  In fact, Coach K has set the bar pretty [...]

2022 New-Trition Challenge Winners

The MissionFiT New-Trition Challenge 2022 Names Winners! The first nutrition challenge for the new year was all-inclusive as all MissionFiT athletes weighed-in and logged-in approximately two months worth of meals, water and snacks during this challenge.  Now the time for final weigh-in and assessment is here and it's time to announce this year's 2022 New-Trition Challenge Winners.  If you don't [...]

Spiritual Self-Control

In 2022, MissionFiT will help athletes explore the spiritual aspects of their lives by encouraging individual study and in-class group discussion beginning with the "Fruits of the Spirit".  So, the first "fruit" to consider is Spiritual Self-Control Self-control is pretty important in every day life.  For instance, fire is necessary.  Fire under control has many uses in our homes and [...]

Progress…Not Perfection

Progress...Not Perfection As a new year begins, many people look back at what they did...or didn't accomplish.  But don't get discouraged.  Think progress...not perfection.  Every time you take one step forward, you are further along in your journey to better health.  Every change you make toward your goal is progress.  Sometimes, especially if you are having a particularly hard season [...]

“Stress Emergency” Planning

Imagine the following conversation: "911 - What's Your Emergency?"  "Do need police, fire or MEDIC?" "I am stressed out!!!  I need EVERYBODY!!!" Actually, what you really need is to learn... "Stress Emergency" Planning Schools have fire drills in case of a fire.  Play actors have rehearsals before the opening night.  So, too, we need to learn Stress Emergency Planning before [...]

Shoes Make The Athlete

Coach K recently fielded a question from an athlete about which shoes are best for workouts at the garage or at home.  Learn her take on this highly personal question and why Shoes Make The Athlete! While "clothes might make the man", read on to learn not only how shoes make the athlete, but also how to know when you [...]

Start At The Top!

The 5 Fold Fitness model touted by MissionFiT specifically encourages athletes to care for themselves physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and socially.  So, let's Start At The Top! And what's at the top of your body?  Your head.  This is  why it's important to start at the top when you look at your overall health.  Did you know that head posture [...]

Your Health Matters

In conjunction with his message series "Winning Habits", Pastor Brian Duley of Nikeo Church, Charlotte, NC, sat down with MissionFiT Founder Kelsey Elmore.    Their discussion centered around why... Your Health Matters There are a few reasons why your health matters.  The first and most obvious is that you should care about your own health.  Think about it..  You care [...]

What’s My Goal?

What's My Goal? At MissionFiT, each quarter finds athletes taking time to assess where they started along with any progress during the previous three months.  Whatever the next step for you, ask yourself "What's My Goal?"  Then, when you ask the question, keep these things in mind: Measurable. Realistic. Godly – not aesthetic! Do you want to move toward "cleaner" [...]

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