Meet Laura Schrieber, wife of Pastor Nic Schrieber at Church at Charlotte’s main campus. Laura is a recent graduate from MissionFiT’s “ReStart Your Heart” Program! Learn her wellness journey story and experience though the program.

Many leaders come in with the goal of ‘lose 30 pounds’, ‘clean up my nutrition’, or ‘get consistent in working out again’. Laura was an inspiring leader to serve this round with her mission of “longevity”.  #delayedgratification 😉


Meet Ministry Leader, Laura, Who's Goal is Longevity!, Laura and husband Pastor Nic pouring coffee at a breakfast table


“As we all know, the health of pastors is very important, so we can be more effective, less distracted, less divided in our minds.  Pastors always focus their attention on the needs of their “flock”, so much so, that their internal needs are seldom addressed.”


Meet Ministry Leader, Laura, Whose Goal is Longevity:


I’m a mom with four children and a pastor’s wife who recently went back to work two days a week.  My life is very busy so keeping everything going is quite a challenge. I think I have strengths in getting it all done, but wish that I could be more organized so I had more time to fit in my workouts.  When I think of my wellness journey, I tend to sum it up in three words: knowledge, nutrition and process.


Meet Ministry Leader, Laura, Who's Goal is Longevity!, family portrait on Easter


When I think of my past fitness journey, I would say it started with my diet.  Four pregnancies and the associated postpartums raised different health issues stemming from my diet.  It’s been quite a journey of changing the way I eat and now working on changing the way our family eats.  As far as workouts and fitness, they had been lacking in the last couple months mainly because of the business of life and difficulties in effectively managing my time.


In terms of some take-aways that I learned from MissionFiT’s program, a workout isn’t merely running, but learning the proper technique for running. That was a game changer.  Regarding some personal wins for me in the program, I now look forward to working out and especially being able to run without pain.  I’m also working towards being able to perform a perfect pushup.


Meet Ministry Leader, Laura, Who's Goal is Longevity!, Laura and Nic working out


A favorite aspect of my experience with MissionFiT is being able to do my workouts with my husband, and with the workouts, learning from a coach how to be accountable for managing our fitness and nutrition goals.  We loved that a coach came to us, and she personalized the program to meet our specific needs and goals.


During my fitness journey, I would say that my biggest area of growth was the strengthening of my core.  Aside from my personal relationships, what motivates me the most in my pursuit of wellness is that I be able to maintain better health as I age.  More specifically, I want to have an active lifestyle into my 80’s…that hasn’t been the case for the rest of my family.


Meet Ministry Leader, Laura, Who's Goal is Longevity!, Laura with all her kids at a pool partyMeet Ministry Leader, Laura, Who's Goal is Longevity!, Laura and her husband Nic on a car ride with lots of kiddos









It’s essential that we understand the connection between faith and health.  God has given us everything, including our bodies. I think, for me my biggest challenge is being able to place less importance on food during my fitness journey.  Throughout my life I have had and still do have an emotional relationship with food. I think, sometimes because it’s food, we downplay that it could be a sin. However, if I’m running to food when I’m hurting, stressed, scared, etc. and not to God and His word and truth, it’s not that different than someone who runs to other “vices”.  We need to trust that Jesus really is enough and that He can carry all of our burdens or struggles…HE is enough.


As we all know, the health of pastors is very important, so we can be more effective, less distracted, less divided in our minds.  Pastors always focus their attention on the needs of their “flock”, so much so, that their internal needs are seldom addressed.  Given these needs I would always encourage all pastors to begin and continue a fitness journey of their own.  Such a journey is life changing and instrumental in resetting priorities while establishing a balanced lifestyle of health, fitness, and productivity.


Meet Ministry Leader, Laura, Who's Goal is Longevity!, Laura and Nic all dressed up posing outside in a neighborhood


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