It’s hard to know Who to Trust When it Comes to Wellness Information these days. There’s so much out there and we want to help you navigate that well.

Today we want to highlight,

Gospel Preachin’, Calorie Burnin’, Rockstar Athlete Pastor, Jeremy Amick, who preached a solid message this past Sunday and reminded us, we need to share some important information with you! Here’s the notes Carmel Baptist provided from Jeremy’s sermon….

Who to Trust When it Comes to Wellness Information, Pastor Jeremy Amick in the pulpit

“With short notes more like postcards,

the Apostle John wrote to a group of believers in 2 John and to Gaius, a church leader he mentored, in 3 John. The overall message of both of these letters is the command to “walk in the Truth.”


Our world is greatly confused about the concept of truth. Many decades of relativism has led to a post-truth worldview, where “truth” is based more on feelings and personal opinions rather than fact or absolutes. But in the midst of this chaos stands firm the eternal word of truth and the person of Christ.


In 2 John, the Apostle was concerned that the fellowship of Christians in Ephesus was allowing deceivers to influence their beliefs. John instructs them to walk in the truth of Christ Jesus and “shut the door” on those who spread false teaching and division.


What does it mean to “shut the door” on deceivers? We engage with people who deny the truth of Christ, but we are not influenced by their opinions. We converse with them for the purpose of understanding and opportunities to share the truth, but we refuse to argue. We protect the truth and challenge the lies with grace.


In 3 John, the Apostle directs Gaius, a local church leader, to “open the door” to those who proclaim the Gospel. Some other leaders were being inhospitable to teachers of God’s Word, even removing them from the fellowship. John instructs Gaius to encourage and support those who would build up faith in the Church.


People who follow Christ know the Truth, the person of Jesus and His Word. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can know when to “shut the door” to false teaching and “open the door” to encourage those who proclaim the Gospel.”

“John instructs them to walk in the truth of Christ Jesus and “shut the door” on those who spread false teaching and division.”


Who to Trust When it Comes to Wellness Information, Rays of light through the open white door on orange wall

I thought about “false teaching” a lot after Jeremy shared this lesson.

While John is clearly referring to Gospel teaching here, it reminded me that wellness these days shares that same lesson. “False teaching” – false information. Friends, KNOW where you are getting your information from. There’s a ton of information out there and a ton of MISinformation out there. You can pretty much find a blog post or article to support just about anything these days. So how do you know who to trust? It can be tough!
“What people eat in this country is big business. There is an institutional and financial stake in keeping the status quo alive and selling outdated concepts like the Food Guide Pyramid of dictating universal commandments about “good” and “bad” foods. The purveyors of this misinformation are registered dietitians, health “experts”, and others who have a financial and social stake in the status quo. They preach dietary wisdom as if it were delivered from the mountaintop – meat is bad, fish is good, fat will kill you, all vegetables are healthful – whatever the current script dictates.”
– Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo

Things to consider in the source:

1. Is the person or product promising a quick fix like fast weight-loss or a miracle cure? If it sounds too good to be true, then it likely is! Making changes to your health means a commitment to eating well and exercising regularly.
2. Are they trying to sell you products such as special foods or supplements instead of teaching you how to make better food choices at home, at play, at work or while eating out?
3. Do they have a professional website, some letters behind their name, a podcast with thousands of listeners? Or is it a blog post by some Joe Schmo? Who are they?
4. Do they speak with opinions or statistical information? Is their claim based on a single study or a few research studies? Were the studies with animals or humans? Are you similar to the humans that were studied (age, gender etc.)? The stronger the study design, and the more studies available that draw the same conclusions, the stronger the evidence that something it true.
5. How long have they been in the game? Bottom line – if it’s someone who’s devoted their life to this, they’ve probably learned a thing or 2.
6. Do they have a financial or social stake in the status quo?
7. If they’re promoting “this way is the only way”, I’d be cautious. Remember, God made all our temples unique. There’s some baseline to good vs. bad but then there’s the ‘individual science experiment’ too. One mans food can be another’s poison.

Here’s a short list of some of our favorite and trusted sources when it comes to wellness:

  • Dr. Amy Myers

  • Dr. Rhonda Patrick

  • Dr. Robb Wolf

  • Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo

  • Melissa and Dalla Hartwig

  • Dr. Matt McAlees

  • Dr. Dominic D’Agostino

  • Dr. Shawn Baker