Well FiT family, it looks like our mid-way winner is Pastor Patrick McCrory with 425 points!



had a slower start the first few weeks until week 3 where he blew it out of the water with a spiritual rest day and racked up some serious mileage in the special weekly challenge. Since then, he’s had his game face on and stayed on top.


However, nipping at his heels has been Pastor Kenny Klinect for several weeks…

Currently sitting at 403 points, “Consistent Kenny” is probably the best way to describe his journey so far. No jumps in points and no fall behinds either. A steady pace to the finish line. It’ll be interesting to see how these two Pastors duke it out towards the end here.


While our first and second seeds remain close in point proximity, our third and fourth seeds are similar.

Laura Schrieber…

from Church at Charlotte was our queen of mobility this past week in the special weekly challenge pushing her up on the Leaderboard. 120 minutes she spent mobilizing last week! I’m sure her muscles are thanking her for that after the previous week’s push-up challenge.


Jon Freeman…

our current fourth place seed isn’t far behind with 242 points. Jon is our most fervent “A.B.L.E-er”. A.B.L.E. is Carmel Baptist’s acronym for teaching their congregation about how to live the Christian life. Abide in Christ, Build Relationships, Live the Gospel, with Everything. So, in supporting that awesome effort, we added that to our Challenge as a component to track. Jon is the Missions Pastor over at Carmel and darn great at what he does. He’s also our athlete to be watching these next few weeks with a new run plan on his horizon for extra bonus points for working out outside of class. Go Jon Go!


Nic Schrieber…

Church at Charlotte’s Middle School Pastor, and Jay Hancock, Carmel Christian’s Interim Head of School, respectively, are our fifth and sixth place seeds. These men are hangin’ in the Challenge with consistency across the board!


5 weeks down – 5 weeks to go!


To follow these Leaders movement, check here on Wednesday’s.