In case you missed today’s workout:

Workout #1

3x KB Side Bends 15 on Right, 15 on Left

Workout #2


Gideon is a story of Confidence…but leaning on God for confidence….
When Gideon was asked to do the impossible. He felt unqualified and incapable. Just like us. God was asking him to do something rather crazy! God said, “Go into battle against a massive Midianite army. But with just 300 men.” 
Now, Gideon is afraid. So he asks for several signs from God. Gideon needed to know that it was truly God who was challenging him to this task.

As a result, God did something profound to give Gideon the confidence he needed to do exactly what he was asked to do. God told him to sneak into the Midianite camp and eavesdrop.
When Gideon reached the camp, he overheard something profound.
God gave a dream to a Midianite man and then gave the interpretation of that dream to the man’s friend. So Gideon overheard the conversation and knew that God’s hand was in this battle. That’s what Gideon needed to gain courage and confidence.
Today, think about drawing your confidence from the Lord. Then go into this workout with confidence. 

4 Rounds for Time
400m Run

Then 20 of Each:

Walking Lunges in Front Rack Position
Push Ups
KB Cleans