So… you missed today’s workout:

Workout #1

Because he reminds us that “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak”, Isaiah is our guide today. Since this is a pure strength workout, think about and remember from where your strength comes.

Meander back and forth through these movements

21 Skull Crushers
15 Lat Pull Overs
9 Frog to Cross-body Planks
3 rounds Not For Time

Workout #2

God is not slow. Yet to us as hurried, harried modern disciples, God might seem that way. He is patient (2 Peter 3:9). Apprentices must patiently learn their craft from the master. Lovers linger over what (or who) they love. So God calls us to grow the spiritual fruit of patience and love (Galatians 5:22). 

But growth takes a long time. God is not in a hurry, so we don’t have to be either.
Again, think about timing, pace, and patience. God-Speed. Be patient. Therefore, don’t go out of the gate on the first round then not be able to finish the workout. Pace yourself. Then full throttle at the end. Finish strong!

10 KBS
15 KBS

Continue the pattern until you reach 12 Minutes