As a Christian Fitness Ministry we like to honor and highlight Christians that are stewarding their temple exceptionally well; people that are wonderful examples for the community. This Testimony Tuesday, meet Zoe Elmore, a National Christian women’s speaker who is based out of Charlotte.


Testimony Tuesday - National Speaker, Zoe Elmore, Zoe up on stage speaking in a blazer with her headset on and hand reached out

“There’s definitely a connection between faith and health. Just like the apostle Paul knew the importance of spiritual strength and the benefit of developing spiritual habits in his life, my fitness goals encourage me toward a lifestyle that will benefit my health and help me remain strong and healthy as long as possible in order to accomplish all the Lord has for me to do to bring Him glory.”




Hi, I’m Zoe. I’ve been married to the man of my dreams for more than 35 years. We have 2 adult sons, one daughter-in-law and the cutest grandson in the world. And as a woman of many words and a cheerleader for life, being a national speaker fits my personality as well as my gifts and talents.


Testimony Tuesday - National Speaker, Zoe Elmore, picture of a whole family sitting on the from porch stairs, Zoe is in pink with her family surrounding her


“Life Changing Skills” are the three words that come to mind when I think of my fitness journey. I rarely thought about fitness or clean eating prior to 2008. Our oldest son and daughter-in-law introduced me to both. Today, I am very conscious about the nutrition I consume and the fitness goals I have set for myself. I’ve increased my strength, experienced weight loss, muscle tone, flexibility and much-improved metrics from my physician. Additionally, I have experienced the powerful correlation between physical and spiritual health, as both areas are flourishing. However, sadly, a year ago, I incurred a back injury from a car wreck that I’m still working my way back from, but I love discovering new fitness opportunities that compliment my lifestyle and committing to them.


Testimony Tuesday - National Speaker, Zoe Elmore, Zoe is doing a push up on a log in the woods in a black and purple workout shirt


Originally, what motivated me was that I was tired of being sick and tired and I had discovered life changing benefits from fitness and wellness, which kept me going. My wonderful husband, Tom, has been my biggest encourager on this journey and I so thankful for him! Now, my goal is to remain strong, flexible and healthy as long as possible. Aging doesn’t have to lead to frailty and weakness. I believe commitment to my fitness goals will contribute and support my desire to live a strong and healthy lifestyle. Plus, I have a grandson to keep up with!


Testimony Tuesday - National Speaker, Zoe Elmore, Zoe in a black dress smiling next to her husband in a white collared shirt and black pants


There’s definitely a connection between faith and health. Just like the apostle Paul knew the importance of spiritual strength and the benefit of developing spiritual habits in his life, my fitness goals encourage me toward a lifestyle that will benefit my health and help me remain strong and healthy as long as possible in order to accomplish all the Lord has for me to do to bring Him glory.

I’d encourage everyone to begin a fitness journey of their own. Personally, I’m very social and training in groups is so fun and motivating for me. But the aside from the fellowship aspect, it’s the opportunity to feel better, think clearer, improve mood & energy, add confidence, improve sleep, manage stress and prevent health concerns.


Testimony Tuesday - National Speaker, Zoe Elmore, Zoe's headshot, she is sitting smiling with a bright blue dress shirt and green trees in the background


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