As a Christian Fitness Ministry we like to honor and highlight Christians that are stewarding their temple exceptionally well; people that are wonderful examples for the community. This Testimony Tuesday, meet Rainie Hutchinson, a tiny but talented worship leader here in Charlotte.


Testimony Tuesday - Meet Rainie Hutchinson, woman with brown hair singing into the microphone while playing piano


“But for me, I have to make fitness a priority because I can’t take care of my children or minister to others if I have not first taken care of myself.  I have to feel and be “well” from the inside out.”


Testimony Tuesday - Meet Rainie Hutchinson, headshot of Rainie, woman smiling with long dark brown hair with curls in it, she is wearing a black sweater


Hi!  I’m Rainie Hutchinson.  I’m a worship leader and mother of two precious boys, ages 13 and 4.  They are my world!  I’ve been playing the piano since I was 3 years old.  My parents are ministers so I grew up in the church and in a home full of music.  I was never really athletic as a kid.  I was a ballerina throughout grade school and was a cheerleader in high school – but that was the extent of my physical activity.  I’m tiny!  Like 5’ 1.5” (and at my height, I definitely claim that extra half of an inch).  Aside from having really strong fingers and hands from playing the piano, I was always just the cute, tiny girl.  


Well, I got tired of not being able to do something because I was so small…. Not being able to reach something on the high shelf, open a jar, or lift a box.  While there is something chivalrous about having a gentleman move my sofa or change my light bulbs, I wanted to be able to take care of myself.  So I started working out.  At first, I fell in love with Pilates because it is so similar to the ballet I had done all my life.  I also started running.  My tiny little legs definitely wouldn’t win any races, but I enjoyed it.  I started working out regularly in college and have continued (off and on, as schedules have allowed) until now.  I have never been what anyone would consider “a natural” at working out.  I’m still not!  But I keep showing up and trying.  I’m not terribly strong compared to most people, but I’m working on that too.  My main goal is to be as healthy as I can be for as long as possible so that I can live a full, active life.  I want to teach my children the importance of eating well and taking care of themselves now since it is an investment in our health for years to come.  


My favorite fitness movement is still running.  But I’ve grown to really enjoy ab exercises too.  My least favorite movement, hands down, is burpees!  

Testimony Tuesday - Meet Rainie Hutchinson, woman with brown ponytail working out in a blue tank top, she is front squatting a dumbbell with her toddler son wrapped around her leg


The hardest thing for me to overcome was recovering after the birth of my 2nd son.  Having an emergency C-section is serious surgery!  I had no idea!  Healing from that was tough.  I had lots of scar tissue and internal injuries that I had to work through to get back to a place of health.  When I think of my fitness journey, the three words that come to mind are perseverance, perseverance, perseverance!  Seriously!  There have been so many days when I haven’t felt well, I was exhausted after being up all night with a sick child, or I had some kind of body pain – typical mom things – and I did NOT want to work out or eat healthy.  I would much rather sit on the sofa and eat chips!  But for me, I have to make fitness a priority because I can’t take care of my children or minister to others if I have not first taken care of myself.  I have to feel and be “well” from the inside out.  


Testimony Tuesday - Meet Rainie Hutchinson, Rainies two sins hugging, one is a toddler and one is a teen, both in blue outfits at the airport


My children are my biggest source of encouragement for maintaining my training, although they don’t know it.  

“Being a single parent of two boys is exhausting.  It takes more energy and stamina than I have most days. Working out gives me that energy and stamina.  I need to be my best so I can give them my best.  I also want to show them what a strong woman looks like – someone who never gives up and perseveres – so they will become the type of men that encourage and support women to achieve greater things.”  

I am also hugely encouraged by the women I work out with.  We cheer on each other’s successes and lift each other up when there is a struggle.  Sometimes we have cried during our workout sessions, but there are lots of hugs and laughter too.


My biggest motivation for wellness and fitness is seeing several loved ones battle cancer and other life-threatening illnesses over the years.  Through their journey, I have learned how nutrition and the things we put in/on our bodies can play a vital role in preventing or causing diseases.  The whole concept of “food as medicine” intrigues me.  Doctors may not have found a cure for things like cancer, asthma or severe food allergies yet, but there is a strong school of thought that we may be able to significantly reduce their likelihood by reducing our exposure to toxins, GMOs, food preservatives, excessive use of medications, etc.  Reducing inflammation and investing in gut health is vital.  It may seem like a different way of living, but I’m willing to give that a try if it means that my children have a chance to avoid being sick!  I believe that God wants us to be healthy and free from sickness and pain.  The Bible says by His stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5), that we should be a fit temple for the Holy Spirit and glorify God in body and spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).  I feel like that implies we have a role in “doing” something to be a fit temple for His spirit to dwell in so that we may glorify Him in both body and spirit.  We usually focus on our spirituality, but I believe there is something to be said for taking care of our bodies so that we can be of service to the Lord.  


“For my friends who have not started their fitness journey, you deserve to be healthy and feel good.  You deserve to invest time and energy in yourself.  It’s never too late to start.  Don’t let anything discourage you.  You absolutely can do it.”


Testimony Tuesday - Meet Rainie Hutchinson, Rainie doing a selfie with her son and dog