Kids are hearing the Gospel at a Fitness Summer Camp at a local organization, Urban Promise.

If you’ve been following our movement there, MissionFiT is a part of the 6 week camp, and we’ve had an amazing time serving these little ones with fitness, but now the Gospel too! Fitness is a wonderful platform for the Gospel. One coach shares the amazing experience here:

dirt with rows of green plants just sprouting from their seeds

“God has really shone His light through MissionFiT this week. Fitness has been a fantastic platform to share the Gospel to the kids of Urban Promise who chose to do MissionFit for their “choice” portion of camp. At the end of the week, I did not want to go away without pointing the whole experience back to Jesus and the Gospel. So Friday came, and at the end of our session we huddled up to do our regular “1..2..3…FiT” cheer, and I asked them a question on ‘Why Fitness’. After hearing their answers, I pointed this back to treating our bodies as a holy temple made for Jesus, because He made a way for us to do this through His life, death, and resurrection. Through sharing this, the high school coaches helping out were able to listen in to. Low and behold God was giving me the ability to plant seeds in them as well.”

“God will only do the growth, we just have to go and plant the seed of the Gospel. All by His grace.”

For more information about Urban Promise Charlotte: