Iron Sharpens Iron Event #2

Half-way through the competition and ISI teams all over the Charlotte-Metro area are celebrating.  So far, teams have been tested for time and endurance.  Iron Sharpens Iron Event #2 promises to deliver both!

Iron Sharpens Iron!

Recall:Iron Sharpens Iron logo

Iron Sharpens Iron consists of four workouts occurring over four weeks, beginning with workout #1 on Monday, March 9, 2020. A new workout will be released every Monday afternoon during the four weeks of Iron Sharpens Iron. This is a PARTNER competition (female teams + male team, no co-ed teams for this event). Partners will register with a team name and both partners must complete each workout.  After the workout is released, any athlete who has registered will have until 9 pm on Sunday of that week to submit their best score online. Workouts can be done wherever is most convenient for you, whether that’s your home, church, or gym.  All we require is a selfie pic of proof that you completed the workout. 🙂

Current Leader Board:

Teams submit a CUMULATIVE score each week.  Remember:  Both scores play into the standings on the leader board, so it’s important that BOTH partners complete the workout for the week.   As a close to last week’s Triple Crown Challenge, here’s the standings:


Challenge #1 Winner = Carolina Cowboys from Carmel Baptist Church

Challenge #2 Winner = The Conquerors from Nikao Church

Challenge #3 Winner = Luvn’ Fit from MissionFiT Headquarters location


ISI Workout #2 Release

5K (3.1 miles)
Or modification 2 miles

You and your ISI partner need to choose the same option, Rx’d or Scaled.

Combine your run times for 1 total run time and submit to with your team name.



Haven’t Registered Yet?  Learn More!

Or Register Here!